Hello! I’m Cynthia Sin Nga from Hong Kong, and I’m very pumped to be joining Lucky Iron Fish this month. Born and raised in Hong Kong, I am a social innovator, rookie entrepreneur and a medical student who is half-way through the course and now on a gap year. I am passionate about STEM, capacity building and youth empowerment. I am also a blogger - my blog 48hoursaday.com gives tips on boosting productivity, university hacks and pursuing opportunities. In my free time, I listen to theatre music (I’m a huge musical nerd), sing with my friends and draw (check out some of my illustrations here!).
Why a gap year?
My decision to pursue a gap year was first prompted by an offer from the World Health Organisation to be an intern with them at the Headquarters in Geneva for six months. I then asked myself what else I would like to explore before jumping into my clinical years - social entrepreneurship and public health came into the picture and I decided to take a leap of faith and applied to suspend my studies for a year. Back then, I only knew I was going to Geneva in January and had no idea what I was going to do for the first few months - but I guess everything worked out just fine:)

Why Lucky Iron Fish?
I learned about Lucky Iron Fish through a leadership programme organised by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. My previous experience at a MedTech hack-a-thon taught me how rare and precious a simple solution to a big problem was, and I was thrilled to know that Lucky Iron Fish was precisely that in addressing iron deficiency anaemia. As a rookie entrepreneur and a social innovator, I find it invaluable to learn about how an established social enterprise like Lucky Iron Fish operates.

What would you like to achieve from your internship?
I’d say there are two aspects -
1. Contributing: making use of my experience in design and branding, as well as my background from Hong Kong to contribute to LIFE’s marketing strategies and efforts;
2. Learning: getting hands-on with operations, especially regarding business development and sales management.
Enjoying your stay in Canada so far?
Definitely! It’s more wet and chilly than I expected, but it’s been lovely. Everyone on the team is passionate about what they do and has been taking great care of me. I’m really grateful and excited to be here.
Cynthia is now working on retail management with Tania and finding the learning experience useful and rewarding.