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Iron-Enriched Hibiscus-Lime Mocktail

Iron-Enriched Hibiscus-Lime Mocktail

This hibiscus-lime mocktail is not only the perfect sweet treat, but it will also nourish you with an iron boost. Packed with iron and flavour, making and sipping this drink is about to be your new favourite me-time!

  • 1 min read


  • Make the Lucky Iron Water: Boil 1L of water, add ½ tsp of citrus and the Lucky Iron Fish/Leaf, and let it boil for 10 minutes. Remove and clean your Lucky Iron cooking tool.
  • Make the Iron-Infused Hibiscus Tea: Steep 1 hibiscus tea bag in ¼ cup iron water a for 2 mins. Allow it to cool completely.
  • Optional: If you have an at-home carbonation system like the #sodastream, you can make ¼ cup of iron-fortified sparkling water.
  • Mix the Drink: In a shaker, combine the hibiscus tea, orange juice, lime juice, and simple syrup (if using). Top with ice and shake until well combined. Strain into a glass and top with sparkling water.
  • Garnish with an orange wheel.